Attention Atlanta Commercial Real Estate Professionals:
Existing Commercial Real Estate Website, Domain Names, Online Marketing and Analytics Available to ONE Recipient!
What’s Included?
- Fully functioning commercial real estate website
- Five (5) domain names that are ready for use right now
- The option to customize the look of the site
- Ability to add an additional domain name of your choice for your own branding
- In-depth website analysis report and suggestions on how to improve existing website
- Detailed traffic analytic report showing what prospects are searching for
- A ‘done-for-you’ marketing system is ready to drive leads and sales!
There’s also an option to add property and testimonial videos with full video promotion to catapult your business growth and have all the online administrative tasks taken care of for you!
This is equivalent to hiring your own online marketing manager, social media manager and online administrative assistant (at a fraction of the investment).
This is the perfect package to drive traffic to your existing website or to use as your main website.
To get started, simply fill out our contact form now or see the letter and details below for the specifics on what’s included and why it’s included.
From the Desk of Patrick O’Donnell
Dear Commercial Real Estate Professional,
Are you looking to attract more leads for your business and properties? Confused by all the options to attract clients through online marketing (social media, websites, blogs, etc.)? Wondering which keyword phrases your prospects are searching for and which ones your competitors are using? Interested in knowing how much they are paying per click for those phrases? (see below) Looking for an immediate solution to have all of it taken care of for you?
I understand your needs to market your business and your listings, the commercial real estate industry and more importantly how to get results via online marketing!
Why I Understand Your Needs
After graduating from Ga. Tech 10 years ago, I started and grew my own Internet Marketing franchise to be # 1 in sales in the United States before selling the franchise.
I moved on into marketing for my father’s real estate business. While working with him, I obtained my real estate license and worked as a commercial real estate agent to assist with his projects and others.
As part of the marketing the commercial real estate business, I applied some of my previous knowledge of online marketing by adding e-newsletters, a website, a blog and basic search engine optimization. They worked marginally well and attracted a decent amount of inquiries (but the results could have been SO much better).
There were a few major flaws with the plan at the time:
1. I assumed I knew what people were looking for using only the basic analytics.
2. I created one website to market my business and expected people to find it with basic tactics that worked in the past.
3. I thought I’d save money and try to do everything myself, including all of the online administrative work.
At the time I didn’t think anything was wrong with this plan, but now I know how detrimental it can be to a business. We used the keyword phrases that I wanted, rather than what my prospects were looking for (Now, we take an in-depth look at supply and demand analytics that show what prospects are searching for, what the competition is optimized for and how to reach the most prospects for the least investment). The website was getting some traffic, but not the number of visitors that I wanted (Now, we have all the tools and systems in place to drive visitors quickly and effectively). Also, I was wasting my time on the online administrative work when I should have been focused on the highest value tasks (Again, now an international team of top talent is in place following the proven system to take care of all the detail work that generates results).
Last year, I had the opportunity to attend a career retreat where I analyzed my passions, strengths and greatest desire to serve others. Therefore, I returned to what I love doing… Helping people and businesses create the path to their ideal future, which includes creating online marketing campaigns to attract more clients and close more sales – and that’s of course using what works today to generate results.
What Changed?
The past 12 months have been filled with a tremendous of amount of learning, and WOW… Has online marketing ever changed since we were on the cutting edge several years ago.
Welcome to Web 2.0! The basic strategies applied before are not nearly as effective today. Back then, we were creating one website and driving traffic to that one site, did basic search engine optimization by optimizing the website with keywords and submitting it to a few directories and search engines, and it worked back then. Today, it’s changed. Now, it’s all about website popularity, creating multiple, interlocking networks. Using blogs, videos, articles, podcasts and sharing them back and forth with each other across hundreds of social media sites and directories, thus creating thousands of lead generation magnets pointing back to YOUR effective lead capture pages.
The fundamental elements involve giving prospects what they want with quality content that is available immediately and is establishing a connection. Much of it is now driven by video. Prospects can better visualize properties and learn to trust you thorough property videos and client testimonial video.
The process includes 1. Detailed market research, keyword research and analysis, 2. Creating quality content, including videos, articles, blogs and podcasts, 3. Lead capture pages, 4. A powerful follow-up system, 5. Local search listings, 6. Using the power of Web 2.0 though back linking and triangulation, 7. Sharing via social media, 8. Ongoing tracking, optimization and promotion.
To learn the full steps with details and screenshots with the secrets to attracting clients via online marketing, see “The Blueprint to Attracting Clients Online.”
How This Benefits You
The power of knowing what to do, how to do it, and having a team trained to take care of all of it for you is amazing. I realized how powerful this would have been to know when creating that commercial real estate site a few years ago, but now, I’m not in the commercial real estate business anymore. That’s where you come in.
You are the real estate professional. You know the industry and the details of the properties in your area. You should be focusing on that and allowing others to take care of the online marketing for you, and especially the administrative parts of the ongoing online marketing.
This offering is ready to go immediately. It can be customized to match your brand. It allows you to focus on what you do best while outsourcing the administrative and online marketing tasks that keep you from your most important priorities. It will have your name, your business name and your properties in front on thousands of websites, acting as lead generation magnets for you and your business!
This is actually to be the pilot program for a national campaign that we will be rolling out in the future. Therefore, you receive the package at a low price and we are committed to making it work for you because we plan to share the outstanding results in promotion for the other cities around the nation.
Website and Domain Names Package Includes:
1. Five (5) Existing Domain Names (with option to select 1 more customized domain name for your name or brand). You can use any or all of the below domains or use your own domain. The existing domain names include:
2. Website/Blog using the WordPress platform to allow for easy updates! Currently online at, but it can be on any of the above domain names and/or your personally selected domain name or existing website.
Please note: This site (shown in below screen shots) was completed a few years ago before applying recent Web 2.0 enhancements. This site had been offline, but was brought back online to show you that it is live. Therefore, some of the links no longer work.
Of course, this package sale includes customizing the site with a fresh look to match your brand, updating links as you desire and deleting any of the previous content you don’t want.
Option One – Purchase the Website and Domain Package without marketing
One time fee: $2,497
Initial site updates are made and then you are responsible for all ongoing updates, maintenance, blog updates and Web 2.0 marketing.
Option Two – Lease the Website and Domain Package with full marketing and admin support
One-time fee: $2,497 FREE
Monthly fee: $997
Initial site updates are made. Plus, all of your ongoing site updates, administration and online marketing are taken care of for you. This includes 1. Detailed market research, keyword research and analysis, 2. Creating quality content, including videos*, articles, blogs and podcasts, 3. Lead capture pages, 4. A powerful follow-up system, 5. Local search listings, 6. Using the power of Web 2.0 though back linking and triangulation, 7. Sharing via social media, 8. Ongoing tracking, optimization and promotion.
All of this is included and is far less than what people have paid for social media managers, and social media is only a small portion of the package. You can, of course, fine tune the specific areas of online promotion and assistance to meet your unique needs. This is like having your own marketing department, but it’s thousands less than the salaries and benefits you would have to pay creating your own.
Anyone can create a website, put up a blog and produce a video for their properties. It’s the promotion that’s critical to success. With this offer, the promotion is done for you.
There are no long term contracts. You can cancel at any time. Satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!
Again, this is a reduced fee for the pilot program for a national campaign, so we are committed to making you a success!
* Note: Custom video production for properties or testimonials are an additional charge (and with our outstanding international talent, they are guaranteed to be top quality at the lowest possible price).
Additional Option (not including the website or domain) – Property Video Production and Promotion and Online Administrative Support
For our search engine domination and lead generation work, we only work with one client per niche and geographic area. For the other services, including video production and promotion for properties and taking care of posting the listings, we are able to work with multiple clients in the same industry and area. These packages are custom designed based on need. Contact us for more details.
Next Step
The first person to contact us gets this amazing deal. Simply, click the button below or click here for our contact us page and send us a message saying that you want the Atlanta Commercial Real Estate Package.
We’ll call you within 24 hours so we can get started right away.
Note: This website and domain package is only available to the 1st person/company to reply.
If you are interested in the ongoing online marketing, administration and video promotion services, you may contact us to see if we are already working with someone in your industry and geographic area or if we would be able to accept your project.
To learn the secrets to attracting clients via online marketing, with full steps, details and screenshots, click here for The Blueprint to Attracting Clients Online.